Dixie Higgins
Dixie Higgins was posted on: February 16th, 2021 10:28 pm
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My family became personally acquainted with RPACI nearly 3 years ago, following their progress through social media posts and rejoicing when each newly saved animal found a forever home. Then in early March of this year our beloved 10-year old rescue, Tallulah Belle (Lu), became ill. After battling for weeks, she crossed the rainbow bridge. Our family was devastated, and although we knew that we would someday rescue another, we just couldn’t think about doing so for quite some time - Or so we thought ...

Sometime in the past I contacted RPACI looking for a playmate for Lu, however we never quite found the right friend. RPACI volunteer, Linda, saw our social media post about losing Lu, and remembered earlier conversations with me. She saw how much our children loved her, and understood that they needed the love of a pet in their lives. Nearly one month after our loss, I received a text message from Linda. It stated that while she knew we likely weren’t looking to adopt yet, she wanted me to take a look at a puppy that they had just rescued from a local kill shelter. As the photo came over the line, I burst into tears. This was our new family member … I just knew it.

We met Sharon, Diana and Linda on a Saturday afternoon, and got our first real look at “Dixie Biscuit” Higgins. It was love at first sight. She snuggled deep into my daughter’s lap on the ride home, nose tucked under her arm, one little eye peeking out. She spent the next few days sitting quietly in the kitchen, watching me with wary eyes. By day 4 she was spending most of her time snuggled up in one of our laps, and by the end of the week I was certain that she knew that this was Home. As I write this, I am watching her sprint through the back yard, hard on the heels of a chipmunk.

It’s been 7 months and she goes everywhere with us. She especially enjoys digging, long runs through the neighborhood, and afternoon carpool, greeting the kids with slobbery kisses. She wakes my daughter up every morning with a happy dance all over the bed. I can’t imagine life without her. But were it not for Rebecca’s mission, Sharon’s heart for the rejected, and Linda taking a personal interest in every animal that comes through their doors – we may never have had this blessing in our lives, and Dixie may not have had the chance to grow into the happy, energetic dog that she now is. Dixie is now dragging my 5-year old son across the yard, determined to pry the baseball out of his hands. She wins, of course, and will spend the next 10 minutes playing catch-me-if-you-can. She’s comfortable – we love her and she knows it.
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