"No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you feel rich."

-- Louis Sabin  

Our Adoption Information & Procedures

Happy, Healthy Pup Guide

For dogs going to New England from Alabama:
All of these dogs were seen by a vet and received a health certificate before traveling and are presumed to be healthy.
All of these dogs are 3 months of age or older, and have been tested for heartworms and have tested negative.
All these dogs are rescue dogs and we may not know their exact background but will do our best to match you with the right dog.
All dogs are current on age appropriate shots and you will receive a copy of all shot records.
All dogs need to see a licensed veterinarian within 7 business days of adoption, which you have agreed to in your contract.
All these dogs are coming from Alabama, a much warmer climate, and most likely have NEVER seen snow so please understand that it may take time to acclimate to the new climate.

Please introduce your new dog slowly to the Northern elements!

Please watch your new dog closely in the first couple weeks as such a dramatic change can compromise their immune system, therefore making them more susceptible to sickness. If you see any sign of sickness, please take to the vet immediately because the sooner you catch the sickness the quicker and easier it is to treat.

Please understand that this dog has been on a long journey to get where it is at now and may take a little time to adjust in your home.

If you have any issues please do not hesitate to call or email us. Our phone number and email is on the card that you received with your other paperwork. All questions can be answered through email or a phone call.

Due to the fact that these dogs are from Alabama, if you decide that you can no longer care for this dog, arrangements would have to be made to return the dog and may take up to 2 weeks.

**this information is on the application also


In addition to the adoption fee, we are now asking for material donations to aid in caring for and keeping all of our rescue pups as happy and comfortable as possible. Of course monetary donations are always appreciated too!

We Need

Laundry soap
Paper towels
Garbage liner bags
Dog treats
Dog toys and supplies
Dog beds
Old towels
Old sheets and blankets
Cleaning supplies

Thank You!!

Without YOU there is no US.

© RPACI - 2021
Sites Made With Love ♥
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